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Why Live Chat Customer Support is Winning the Race for Online Businesses?

Why Live Chat Customer Support is Winning the Race for Online Businesses?

23 Sep, 2020

Customer service is like a spinal column of any business. It is very important to build, maintain, and sustain a reliable customer base while allowing companies to flourish their business. According to the survey of American Express, it is evident that companies that provide superior online customer service experience more sales. It is observed that communication through emails and phones generates 61% and 44% of customer satisfaction respectively. Whereas, live chat customer support provides a real-time communication platform to the users.

In this digital realm, every business should consider live chat as an integral part of their success strategy. Not only customer satisfaction stands to benefit, but their retention is also the main goal which is achieved by offering high-end live chat customer support. Researches have revealed that more than 63% of the customers make their repetitive visit to the website that offer live chats.         

Benefits of Live Chat Customer Support:

So what are the benefits of live chat service? Let’s find out:

Below are the reasons which account for why live chat customer support is winning in the battle for the hearts of your customers.

  • Live Chats Provide Ultimate Convenience to the Customers:

Well, live chat service is the opportunity to create a WOW moment for your customers by connecting customers instantly with an agent. This greatly reduces the hassles of dialing the numbers and pressing the buttons before you are going to interact with the agent. There is no need to wait and getting stuck on hold. Online customer service provider promptly addressed customer queries.   

  • Live Chat Customer Service offers to Multitask:

Live chat service allows customers to perform multi-task at the same time. Customers can do other tasks if they are on a short wait. For this reason, precisely, customers love to live chat support. Another benefit is that the conversation is saved. So if you want to have a look at the previous interactions, you can easily be referred back to for context to resolve your relevant issues. 

  • Quick Response to Customer Queries:

Live chat service resolves the issues in a single session rather than lengthy back and forth response through emails. Customers’ purchase-related queries are answered at the moment. The consumer found it quite attractive to talk to an agent while making their online purchase. They really appreciate your live chat assistance when it comes to making the right buying decisions.     

  • Live Chat Customer Support - Money Saver:

Yes, you have read the right! Online customer service is like a money saver. All the eminent businesses strived hard to find a cost-friendly way to cater to their client’s queries. Live chat support is one of the cost-effective customer service solutions. Emails and messages have been the mainstays of customer service for many years. But in this era mobility, time, and money saver live chats services have ruled the virtual platforms. All in all, it is the most effective and superior real-time communication channel. It saves time, labor, and ultimately money.